What do you do with a BA in Journalism?

I have continued to remember my degree recently. I don’t know if it is the unemployment, or my significant other finishing his degree. But I continue to remember the song from Avenue Q called, What do you do with a BA in English?. NSFW

I however feel it applies to all writing jobs. I have a writing degree and like to write but feel like I can’t get a break because everyone feels like the can do better and some can. However, I have been writing longer than you and can judge audiences and theme to help you succeed. I’m tired of this shit. I can’t even get an interview now all of a sudden. Really November December = no interviews!  Maybe that is why that song is followed by It Sucks to be Me.

But if you notice we all follow up each other’s, my life sucks stories with something worse.  Basically until someone says, ‘I have/had cancer’ or ‘My mom died’ then you keep trying to one up the other person.  So, I guess we need to stop talking about life sucking and lift ourselves up by our bootstraps.

So, what can I do with a writing degree?

  • Write a book – to be honest I do have the spare time
  • Start a blog – CHECK
  • Write for a newspaper – look for the not dying ones
  • Copywriting – Writing about shiny things for any paying business
  • Editing – face it, not everyone knows where Speck Check is
  • Teaching – because there are bunches of retired people that want to write their epic
  • Public Relations – known, not so nicely, as Spin Doctors

All snarkiness aside these are viable careers for anyone who is a writer and has a similar training to me.  I guess on the bright side it is a list.  I know if I was in a better mood or trying to cheer someone up other than myself it would probably be much longer.  For now, it is a god list and I can always update this post on a brighter day career-wise.



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